Texas, Houston - Woo 4801 Woodway Drive

Texas, Houston - Woo 4801 Woodway Drive,Houston 77056,United States
Texas, Houston - Woodway 4801 Woodway Drive, Houston, Texas, 77056   The business center in Woodway is in the popular Uptown area of Houston - the fourth largest city in the United States. The business center has peaceful views of Buffalo Bayou from many offices. The building benefits from a 2,500-square-foot atrium providing natural light, while the office has a full-window reception area. Houston is a world-class city and a popular international destination for 22 million visitors a year. It recently ranked as one of the top places to do business in the US. Uptown Houston is home to around 2,000 companies across a wide range of industries, from manufacturing to retail and agriculture to energy. Major employers in Uptown Houston include corporations and groups from the financial, drinks, IT, gases and entertainment sectors.

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