845, Third Avenue Manhattan

845, Third Avenue Manhattan,New York City, New York 10022,United States

New York, New York City - 845 Third Avenue 845 Third Avenue, Manhattan, New York, 10022   Located at 845 3rd Ave between 51st and 52nd, this business center provides a distinguished Manhattan corporate address at an affordable price for emerging companies. There is a diverse mix of neighbors within the building ranging from the British Consulate to recruitment consultants and financial firms. The business center, located in Midtown East, has an elegant reception with contemporary design features. Midtown is the busiest commercial district in the United States. It has the headquarters of some of America's biggest companies including Thomson Reuters, Time Warner and Viacom. Many international companies have US offices here and several countries have diplomatic offices in the area. Major transport links are nearby and JFK, La Guardia and Newark airports are all easily accessible.


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