Two Allen Center 1200 Smith Street,
Texas, Houston - Two Allen Center Two Allen Center, 1200 Smith Street, Houston, Texas, 77002 The business center in Allen Center, Houston is located in a prominent mixed-use complex, in three buildings connected by a skybridge. From its downtown district position, it offers breathtaking views of the surrounding landscape and has a significant amount of green space in the common area plaza, and Memorial Park is just 10 minutes away. The downtown area is Houston's largest business district and contains the headquarters of many household-name corporations. The center's neighbors include major exploration and producing operations businesses, banks, management consultants and law firms. This reflects Houston's policy of decreasing its economic dependence on energy and diversifying into other sectors including professional and knowledge-based and service-providing industries. As well as business, the business center has major sports venues, the George R Brown convention center and the theatre district nearby.
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