Torres de Las Americ Punta Pacifica

Torres de Las Americ Punta Pacifica,Panama City,巴拿马
Panama City Torres de Las Americas Torres de Las Americas, Punta Pacifica,  Panama City The Panama City Torres de Las Americas business center is on the 15th floor of a landmark high rise building with two angular towers joined by an impressive portico-ed entrance level. There are excellent views across the Punta Pacifica, a peninsula that juts into the Pacific and is one of the city's most exclusive residential areas. Panama City is a vital hub for the world shipping industry. Increasing volumes of imports from Asia pass through the Panama canal on their way to the US, and manufacturers based at the vast Colon Free Zone re-manufacture consumer goods for re-export to Latin America and the Caribbean. Tourism is also a major industry in Panama City, and medical tourism is of growing significance. The Hospital Punta Pacifica is near the center, it has links to John Hopkins Medical International, a world leading research institution, and to other leading edge medical research facilities.

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