Hanover Podbi 333 Podbielskistraße 333

Hanover Podbi 333 Podbielskistraße 333,Hanover,Germany
Hanover Podbi 333 Podbielskistraße 333, 30659 Hanover   The Hanover Podbi 333 business centre is named after its position on the Podbielskistrasse named after the General Victor von Podbielski, one of the main routes through the city, ensuring easy access to motorways and public transport as well as to the famous Hanover Fairgrounds. These host many of the world's biggest trade fairs, including CeBIT, the leading IT and telecoms event. The business centre is located in a modern building developed in 1999, which has a staffed reception in the entrance hall to welcome guests and its own cafeteria. Hanover is an important service centre, attracting many international companies in addition to its traditional automobile and engineering industries. The city is a major crossing point of rail and road routes connecting European mainlines from east to west with those going north to south.

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